Galaeth Games is currently working on a top-down 3D sci-fi fighter ship PC game with live-action cutscenes and puppets.
In the game you have to control your advanced fighter ship carry out missions to keep the Seren Nova solar system safe.
The game will also allow you to land which will allow you to complete some mission objectives on foot.
The Plan
Currently, we are working on a free prologue/demo which will contain one level, and later we’ll release the full game.
Current Progress
Although we are working on this game in out spare time (we have full-time jobs), we’ve made some good and steady progress.
- The control for the ship and pilot has been implemented (including, landing, taking off, firing lasers and rockets, lock on aiming, pilot on foot controls)
- The first level of the prologue game is already up and running, including mission objectives, mini-map and enemies.
- We’ve also been looking at costumes and doing some test photos/videos for the characters that will be played by us for the live-action cutscenes.
You can see how the game is looking in the following video, which shows how you first have to take out the machine guns on the walls before landing to pick up the power cell/orb (tbd).